Monday, September 29, 2014

Theme, Personal Narratives, Spelling, and Government!

We will move onto Theme later in the week.  There are many common themes found in books.  These are usually tied to a lesson that the main character learns at the end of the text.  Some examples of themes are: Courage, Acceptance, Kindness, Friendship, Responsibility, Perseverance and Honesty.  We will start by examining texts that we have previously read as a class.  Then, we will move onto analyzing our DEAR books.  Students will have to provide text evidence to support their choice of theme.  We will also read fables to determine theme.
In Writing, we are continuing our focus on Personal Narrative. This week, we will listen to a read aloud of My Rotten Red Headed Older Brother by Patricia Polacco.  Students will put the events in the text on the narrative arc.  Next, students will reconstruct a narrative.  They will be given an example of a student written personal narrative.  The narrative will be cut up into pieces.  Students will have to work in a small group to "put the narrative back together."  Then, students will have to come up with explanations of why the order works.  Lastly, we will create a quick-list of writing ideas that students can use when writing his/her own personal narrative.
This week, your child will bring home new Spelling words on Wednesday.  I will meet with students in small groups to teach the new sort.  Students will practice the sort in class and then bring the words home to complete the Spelling Homework Menu.  I cannot post spelling words on the blog since student lists are differentiated each week and our spelling curriculum is copyrighted.  If you child cannot locate his or her words, please reference the spelling spiral. Each Wednesday after our small group lesson, I have the students write the spelling list in the correct sorts in their spiral so they can see a correct example as they practice throughout the week.    
Please send your child's Ziploc bag back to school on Wednesday to help him/her earn a homework coupon!  This coupon will be worth 2 points off the Spelling Menu homework.  Instead of completing 8 points, he/she will only  have to complete 6 points.  Please attach the coupon to the rest of the completed homework to be turned in next Tuesday.  Coupons cannot be saved up.  A student cannot turn in multiple coupons in one week.  The new homework and spelling test date will be written in your child's planner.
Social Studies
We are continuing our 9 weeks focus on Communities, Citizenship and Government.  Last week, we went through the voting process and now we have elected 2 Leadership Council Representatives!  Congratulations to Raul in Ms. Skrivanek's class and Avery in Mrs. Ford's class!  This week, we will focus on government leaders.  Students need to understand the leaders at each level of government: local/mayor, state/governor and nation or federal/president.

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