Friday, September 30, 2011

Weekly Update for the Week of October 3

Language Arts: Students have been working with Miss Wheeler in reading on context clue strategies.  Context Clues are hints in a text that lead a reader to figure out the meanings of words he or she does not know.  The clues might be before, within, or after a sentence containing the new word.  Specific kinds of clues they have been working with include definitions, synonyms, antonyms or examples.
In writing, we have started talking about narratives.  Students learned about the narrative arc and how helps keep a narrative organized.  Ask your student if they can point out how an author might set the stage while he or she is reading for homework.
Spelling is new and different in third grade.  Your child will bring home new words each Monday that have been assigned to them based on his or her needs.  In class, on Mondays, your child will participate in a small group lesson where we talk about the things we notice (patterns) in our spelling words.  They will work with the teacher to create a MASTER SORT in their spelling spiral.  This sort is one that can be used as a reference during the week. It will show them and you how the words need to be spelled and sorted for the test on Friday.  Please remember that spelling homework is completed in the spelling spiral and is due on Thursday mornings.

Social Studies: We will learn about local, state and federal government systems.  Students will learn about the three branches of government (Legislative, Judicial and Executive).  Please reference some of the websites on our helpful links tab to help your student build their background knowledge in this content matter.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Tuesday Newsday


There are some important items coming your way in the Tuesday Newsday folder this afternoon.

Pictures will be coming  home in the Tuesday Newsday folders today.  If you are unhappy with the pictures, re-takes will be October 19.

There is a consent form that the district has given to us to tell you more about blogging.  Please complete the form and have your child return it to his or her homeroom teacher.

The invitation to the HCE Auction is coming home with the youngest child today.  Please be sure to get those RSVPs back to the office. 

Thanks for your help.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011


Parents, Friends and Families,

     Tomorrow, Thursday 9/22 is Open House at 
Hunters Creek Elementary.  The classrooms will be open from 5:00-6:30p.m.  Your third grader will serve as your tour guide to show off all the AWESOME things he or she has been doing this year.  We hope that you will be able to come by and enjoy the great work completed by your favorite third graders!

Love, Mrs. Ford and Mrs. Skrivanek

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Please remember to post READING HOMEWORK

Go to Mrs. Ford and Miss Wheeler's Reading Blog and...
after you read for at least 20 minutes
please leave the title and author of your book in the comment section. 
I would like you to also try to make a text to self connection
Please remember that you will need to tell us what happened in the text that reminded you of something you have experienced. 
Happy Reading, Mrs. Ford and Miss Wheeler

Monday, September 12, 2011

Spelling Homework

This week will be your child's first adventure in Spelling homework.
Each child received a list of spelling words today and a Spelling  Homework Menu.  They should practice spelling and sorting the words each night using the activities found in the menu.  We wrote the words in the correct sort inside their spelling spirals for them to have as a reference tool all week.
I will collect spelling homework on Thursday mornings.  Thursday night your child's only spelling homework is to prepare for the spelling test on Friday.
During the spelling test on Friday, students will be asked to spell and sort the words correctly.
This process will become routine and familiar with time.  Take deep breaths, and feel free to email me with any questions.  REMEMBER, this is our first week... so we will GO SLOW! :) ~Mrs. Ford

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Reading Homework

Your child should be reading for at least 20 minutes each night and posting their reading responses on my reading blog.  If your child does not have access to a computer nightly, they have two choices to help them complete their reading homework:
1.  They are invited to come to my classroom from 7:30-7:50am and post using a classroom computer.
2.  They may write their assignment in their planner or on a piece of notebook paper to turn into me the next day.
If you or your child is struggling with this, please feel free to e-mail me.
I am thankful for your support at home!
Omi Ford

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Friday, 9/9 - Lunch With Heroes

Friday HCE will be celebrating our community heroes and commemorating the 10th anniversary of 9/11. To show our national pride, please encourage your child to wear red, white and blue. Thanks!
Mrs. Ford and Mrs. Skrivanek