Friday, December 9, 2011

Math and Science Week of Dec 12-16th


Well here we are, down to the last 4 1/2 days!  I know it is going to just fly by, but before we leave for Winter Break we must get a few more things in.

In Math this week, we will be studying measuring again.  Instead of using the United States Customary System with inches, feet, yards, and miles, we will now be measuring in The Metric System.  The students will become familiarized with words like millimeter, centimeter, meter, and kilometer.  We will be measuring things all around the room using The Metric System and trying to apply it to our real world.  It is rather confusing for a third grader to switch back and forth between The Customary System and The Metric System.  Any real world applications that you can use from home would be awesome!  I remember being in Canada this past summer thinking, "I know it says 30 more Kilometers until Banff, but what does that mean?"  "How far is 30 Kilometers, and how fast are we really going?!!!"
We will complete our Metric Unit study on Thursday with a Metric Quiz.

In Science this week, we will continue our study of Fast changes on the earth's surface.  With last week being so incredibly busy, we only studied Hurricanes and Tornadoes in great depth.  This week I hope to get into Landslides, Volcanoes, and Earthquakes.  We will close our study of fast land changes and forces that shape the land on Thursday.

On Friday will be the Sing-a-Long in the morning and our Holiday Party at 11:15.  Friday will be an early dismissal at noon as well.  I hope every single one of you have a wonderful break and holiday with your beautiful children.  It has been an easier transition to 3rd grade this year than I originally anticipated and I have you to thank for that.  Thank you for all your help and support.  :-)

Mrs. S

I must add that after studying multiplication and division for the last month or so, I am really proud of the effort and the understanding that these kids put forth into learning it.

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