Monday, February 11, 2013

Language Arts and Social Studies the week of February 11-15


Students will receive new spelling words.  They will have 8 points of homework due by Thursday.
There will NOT be a reading passage this week since students will be taking both a math and reading benchmark.
Students will need to read for 20 minutes nightly and record homework on the blog or a piece of paper.  This week, students will need to share how their thinking about characters, setting, events, or moral of the story changed as he or she read.

In reading, we will review fictional elements and discuss how they can help us create a summary.

In social studies this week, we will begin looking at different types of maps.  We will learn how to use the parts of the map to help us read and interpret the information found on the map.

In writing, we will discuss organization for our BIG 6 research paper and begin consuming different examples of research papers.


Students will take the math benchmark from 8-noon.  They will test with their homeroom teacher.  Please encourage your child to get a good nights rest, eat a healthy breakfast and bring a healthy snack for test day.

Our lunch will stay the same, 12:00-12:30, but we will change our specials time to 1:15.


In reading, we will review strategies needed to help us get the correct answer when reading a passage.

In writing, we will look at an example of a student research paper and begin to notice and name the parts that are done well and what could use some more work.

In social studies this week, we will begin looking at different types of maps.  We will learn how to use the parts of the map to help us read and interpret the information found on the map


Students will take the math benchmark from 8-noon.  They will test with their homeroom teacher.  Please encourage your child to get a good nights rest, eat a healthy breakfast and bring a healthy snack for test day.

Our lunch will stay the same, 12:00-12:30, but we will change our specials time to 1:15.

The Valentine's Day party will be from 2:05-2:55.  Please remember that we ask that each student bring a Valentine for every student in the class.  We will make Valentine bags during our party for students to use as a take home bag.

We will take our spelling tests.
We will review the results of our reading benchmarks.
We will read to our 1st grade reading buddies.
Students will also present what information they learned from a state map.

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