Saturday, November 9, 2013

Math/Science Week of November 11th-15th


Happy Veterans Day!  Thank you for your service veterans and all you sacrificed.  We hope to see all of you on Monday at 8:30 in the cafeteria for the Veteran's Day program put on by our 3rd and 4th graders.

In Math this week we will be moving on to a new concept.......Multiplication!!!  Students will brainstorm things that come in groups: 2 eyes, 3 wheels on a tricycle, 8 sides on an octagon, etc.  We will discuss that multiplication is actually just equal “groups of” things.  Through a game called “Circles and Stars”, students will represent 5 “groups of” 3 with 5 circles and 3 stars in each circle.  Students will use repeated addition    ( 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 = 15) to discover the total amount of stars.  We will then connect this to the multiplication sentence of 5 x 3 = 15.  You will see this coming home on Tuesday night for HW.  The latter part of the week I will be introducing  multiplication arrays.  We will learn equal rows of things such as 4 rows with 3 cookies in EACH row ( 4 x 3 = 12).   Please look out for any opportunities at home to point out “arrays” or “groups of” things.  Example:  If your family is making cookies, use multiplication to find out how many cookies are on the pan.  If the football team scored 3 touchdowns, use multiplication to find out how many points in all. 

This week for Fast facts will be for a grade and it will be addition and subtraction. 

We are wrapping up our study on Force, Motion, and Energy.  Your child should have brought home their Science Journal to study, flash cards, and their green study guide that is glued in their Science Journal.  They also should have brought home a flowchart on the four energies Thursday to help them study!  Read pages 15-23 in their SBISD white Science Study guide to assist you.  The test will be on Wednesday and will consist of only multiple choice questions.  Happy studying!  Use these YouTube videos to assist you as well.  It's going to be a great week of learning!  
Ms. S

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