Monday, October 6, 2014

Genre, Narratives and preparing for our first Social Studies test

We will finish up theme this week.  Students will examine texts that they have previously during DEAR time.  Students will have to provide text evidence to support their choice of theme.  We will also read fables to determine theme. As the week ends, we will review some of the books we have shared aloud to determine  the genre of a book.  Students should be able to notice and name features of various genres (Mystery, Fantasy, Science Fiction, Realistic Fiction, Historical Fiction, Autobiography, Biography, Informational, Traditional and Poetry).WritingIn Writing, we are continuing our focus on Personal Narrative. This week, we will students will reconstruct a narrative.  They will be given an example of a student written personal narrative.  The narrative will be cut up into pieces.  Students will have to work in a small group to "put the narrative back together."  Then, students will have to come up with explanations of why the order works.  We will create a quick-list of writing ideas that students can use when writing his/her own personal narrative. Lastly, our Literacy Specialist, Krystle Henley will come in and teach students how to create a kernel narrative.  After we generate a few kernels, students will get to choose which kernel they want to POP and publish.SpellingThis week, your child have his or her Spelling Test on Wednesday.  The Spelling Homework menu is due on Tuesday.  I cannot post spelling words on the blog since student lists are differentiated each week and our spelling curriculum is copyrighted.  If you child cannot locate his or her words, please reference the spelling spiral. The new homework and spelling test date will be written in your child's planner.Social StudiesWe are wrapping up our 9 weeks focus on Communities, Citizenship and Government.  Last week, focused on government leaders.  Students need to continue to study the leaders at each level of government: local/mayor, state/governor and nation or federal/president.  This week we will focus more on the responsibilities of each level of government.  Please look for the review sheet to come home on Tuesday. 

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