Friday, May 1, 2015

Math and Science Week of May 4th


We have made it May!  This month gets crazy busy so hold on to your hats.

In Math last week we worked on addition and subtraction bar models.  This week we will introduce multiplication bar models.  Bar models are a very useful tool for a student to have in their tool belt.  It can take an abstract word problem and turn it into a concrete picture.  We will start the week out very simple with bar models that represent easy factors like 3 x 8 = 24.

 Tuesday and Wednesday we will review the 2 digit by 1 digit multiplication strategy as well as teach 3 digit by one digit multiplication, so that we can dig deeper into more complex multiplication bar models on Thursday and Friday like the one below.

This week's FF test will not be for a grade.  If your child is NOT on their division facts yet, they have not mastered their 3rd grade TEKS of memorizing their multiplication FF up to 10 x 10.  Please continue to study (throughout the summer too!)  

In Science we learned a lot about how amazing our sun is.  This week we will focus more on the moon and the fascinating relationship it has with our earth and sun.  The kids will make a 2D model to represent how the moon orbits the earth and the earth orbits the sun.   Latter in the week we will discuss the order of the planets and the meaning of the word limitation.  What are the limitations of the model/picture below?

1. The planets are not actually in a line and do not orbit this way.
2. Their sizes are not accurately represented in this photo.  
3. The distance between the planets are not accurately represented either.  

Things to remember this week:
Monday: Ms. Henry's retirement part @ 3:30
Tuesday: Author visit, Dianna Aston

It's going to be a great week!
Ms. S

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