Friday, November 9, 2012

Math/Science Week of Nov 12-16th

Dear Parents,

In Math last week, we started Multiplication!  The kids are so motivated by this because they finally feel like "big kids."  Last week in Math students practiced representing multiplication using pictures and the traditional multiplication sentence.  We learned that the answer to a multiplication problem is called a “product” and the two numbers we multiply together are called “factors”.  We  started  applying what we learned about multiplication to problems in the real world.  Example:  If there are 5 students in a group and each student holds 3 pencils, how many pencils in all?  Students will have to practice choosing the correct operation to solve a problem now.  Now we will have to choose if it is appropriate to add, subtract, and/or multiply when problem solving. 
 I will be introducing  multiplication arrays and Paired Tables.  We will learn equal rows of things such as 4 rows with 3 cookies in EACH row ( 4 x 3 = 12).   Please look out for any opportunities at home to point out “arrays” or “groups of” things.  Example:  If your family is making cookies, use multiplication to find out how many cookies are on the pan.  If the football team scored 3 touchdowns, use multiplication to find out how many points in all.  Using paired tables is a strategy (making a T-Chart)students can use to figure out problem solving problems that contain patterns.  For example, Confetti eggs come in cartons of 8, How many eggs will there be in 3, 6, and 8 cartons.  The students would create a T chart.  On one side would be the # of cartons, and on the other would be the # of eggs.  This is a simple strategy to figure out larger patterns in numbers.

In Science this Week the students will take the Energy, Force, and Motion test on Thursday the 15th.   Students took home a study guide AND flashcards on Friday the 9th to help prepare for the assessment.  Please try and make it a priority that you go over the study guide and flashcards nightly for a couple minutes until the test.  We also will spend the week in class preparing for the test with different activities such as creating a flow chart as well as a fun game of Jeopardy is planned!

It should be an awesome week of learning!

Mrs. S

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