Thursday, November 8, 2012

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Language Arts and Social Studies this week and next!

Thank you for all of your support and encouragement of the students during the Veteran's Day Program this morning! They worked so hard and put on an incredible show!

READING. In reading this week we have been continuing to use fix-up strategies to help up overcome challenges in the books we are reading. In particular, students have been encouraged to use context clues to find the meaning of unknown words. Next week we will be diving into the elements of a drama, such as the characters, plot, dialogue, script, actors, setting and stage directions. Students will learn to read a script, practice individual lines, and then perform a drama in class.

WRITING. In writing, we are beginning to learn about the processes involved in writing a personal narrative. We have written a shared personal narrative together, and talked about pre-writing strategies, as well as creating a rough draft using the pre-write. Next week, students will begin to write their own personal narrative, based on a true event that has happened in their lives.

SPELLING. Please remember that students are responsible for completing 8 points and turning in their homework on Thursday mornings.

SOCIAL STUDIES. We are studying economics this nine weeks, and have been learning about the basic vocabulary involved in economics over the past two weeks. The students have read and watched short clips about economics, needs, wants, producers, consumers, income, and savings. Next week, we will begin a project that challenges students to create a budget for a new puppy! They will gain experience researching the cost of needs, or necessary items, as well as wants for their puppy.

I have so enjoyed my first two weeks teaching your wonderful children!
-Mrs. Williams

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