The kids are LOVING multiplication! So far we have learned/reviewed FIVE multiplication strategies that the kids can use to solve multiplication problems.
1. Groups of-3x4 means three groups of four
2. Jumps of-3x4 means three jumps of four on a number line
3. Rows of- 3x4 means three rows of four in an array.
4. Repeated Addition in 3x4 means 4+4+4=12
5. Using facts we know to solve ones we don't know:
6x8 = 5x8 + 1x8
6x8 = 40 + 8
6x8 = 48
This coming week we will use all these tools above that are in our tool belt now to solve multiplication facts of 6,7,8 and 9. Once the kids have these strategies down, we will also be studying multiplication word problems and what they look like and sound like. In multiplication word problems you are always given a number of groups and a number IN each group as you search for a total product.
Just an FYI, a district MATH assessment is scheduled in class on Tuesday. It is not graded or inputted into the grade book, but the data is used as a tool to drive large and small group instruction in Math. There is no way to study for this test. It will measure things that have been learned in class so far this year.
Most kids are now studying multiplication Fast Facts at home. In the back of their green notebook you will see a checklist of the order in which we study our facts in 3rd grade. They are at the bottom of this blog post as well. Please study fast facts with your child every night. The Quick Math app on the I-Pad is excellent practice as well.
In Science we have studied Mechanical, Heat, and Sound Energy with great detail. The kids will now be moving on to Light Energy this week. A study guide went home last Friday with flashcards. An Energy Assessment is scheduled for this Friday the 21st. It consists of 25 multiple choice questions about the four energies we have studied.
A short week is up ahead next week. We have a FUN energy Science Lab planned on Monday the 24th to wrap up our Science Unit. In Math for those two days, we will be tying up loose ends and making sure we are ready to start division in great depth when the kids come back from Thanksgiving break.
Ms. S
0,1,10 |
0,1,2,10 |
0,1,2,5,10 |
0,1,2,5,10,squares |
0,1,2,5,10,squares,6 |
0,1,2,5,10,squares,6,7 |
0,1,2,5,10,squares,6,7,8 |
0,1,2,5,10,squares,6,7,8,9 |
0,1,2,5,10,squares,6,7,8,9,11 |