- epic!- It's like Netflix for Children's Books!
Reading Checkpoint (Your teacher will have the password.)
Book VLOG for Mrs. Ford's Classes
Book VLOG for Ms. Badrak's Classes
4. Non Fiction Vocabulary
1. Capitalization of Proper Nouns
2. Capital Letters and Final Punctuation (Choose level 1)
Online Reading Resources
1. Tumble Books is a website that allows you to either read a book online, or listen to someone else read you a story. (If you can't remember the login information at home, email Mrs. Ford.)
Non-Fiction Resources
As we learn to read non-fiction, we will use BAT resources. Feel free to check out the links below for more information on BATS!
We will learn how to infer this year in reading. To make an inference we say that the reader uses his or her background knowledge + text clues to infer. Use the following websites to practice inferring.
Author's Purpose
1. Read the Passage and Guess the Purpose
1. Read the Passage and Guess the Purpose
Words Their Way (Spelling Practice)
1. Word Work and Context Clues - Check out this website to help you work with homophones.
1. Word Work and Context Clues - Check out this website to help you work with homophones.
Procedural Texts
- Haiku Poems
- Kenn Nesbitt's Poetry for Kids
- Poem in Your Pocket Day Resource
- Poems to Read, Sing, and Produce
- Advice from Great Poets
- Poetry Splatter- Compose a Poem with Splattered Words
- Rhyming Dictionary