Math Websites


1. Ordering Numbers 1
Rounding Games are fun!  Here are a few to help you improve this skill:
Estimating Sums and Differences
Here are some really fun games to help you to practice counting MONEY.
Games on Perimeter and Area:

Here are some helpful website to help you with Math Facts:
1. Sheppard Schools
2. Math Facts Practice
3. Math Magician Games
4. Fun 4 the Brain
5. Build Your Math Facts Practice Test

Here are some helpful website to practice working with  Place Value and larger numbers:
1. Teach R Kids
2. Mystery Number
3. Toon University
4. Fun Brain

Here are some helpful website to help reinforce skills in Comparing and Ordering Numbers:
1. Comparing Numbers 1
2. Comparing Numbers 2
3. Comparing Numbers 3

2. Ordering Numbers 2
3. Ordering Numbers 3

1. Spaceships and Sharks
2. Adding up Rounded Numbers (three digit)
3. Rounding in all kinds of ways!

1. Estimating Sums and Diff

Here are some websites to practice TIME and reading an analogue clock:
1. Stop the Clock-to the nearest 5 minute interval
2. Stop the Clock-to the nearest minute
3. Clock Work
4. On Time!
5. Telling Time Games
6. Clockworks-Elapsed Time

We just completed a unit of study on multiplication.  Here are some helpful links to reinforce that concept and to get ready for January's multiplication Fast Fact timed tests.