Fun Things to Share for you to use at home:
During our STAAR party, I introduced Mad Libs. The kids had a GREAT time working with partners and creating funny stories. Here are some links to sites where you can print more mad libs to enjoy as a family at home.
- FILL THESE OUT AND READ ONLINE (warning- there are ads on this site.)
I also introduced them to a childhood favorite, READING RAINBOW.

We will get back into a more normal classroom routine this week. We will focus in reading on synthesizing. I love this time of year and reading strategy. This is when the kids get a chance to apply all their thinking to a text. We begin to notice how a text can change our thinking as we read-- so powerful! This week we will focus on synthesizing nonfiction. We will start by using The Important Book by Margaret Wise Brown as our reading and writing model for synthesizing facts.
This leads us nicely into finishing up reading many nonfiction sources as students work on their Planet Research. After a few days to finish up research and note taking we will begin writing our informational expository texts on the planet your child is researching. This is a new genre of writing for us, so we will look carefully to some mentor texts to see how veteran authors organize and structure their informational writing.
New spelling words will go home on Wednesday. The spelling homework menu is due on the following Tuesday (4/5) and the test will be on that Wednesday (4/6). If you need support with spelling, please email me. If you child looses his or her spelling words, please look at the spelling spiral as we write them down as part of our lesson on Wednesdays.
This week's work in Social Studies will have us focus on the economic concepts of: scarcity, opportunity cost, consumption, production and interdependence. We are moving out of our work in personal economics and focusing more on business economics as we finish up our lessons. We will be using these oldies, but goodies (ECON AND ME) to review concepts and promote discussion in class.
Thank you for supporting good study and reading habits at home. Students will have 20 minutes of nightly reading this week. They should record the title and genre in their planner or a piece of paper at home to share with me the next day.