Souper Bowl of Caring at HCE!
Using the energy of the Super Bowl to mobilize youth in a united national effort to care for people in their local communities who are hungry and those in need.
When: January 23-February 3
How can we help: donate canned goods and nonperishable foods to HCE by Feb. 3rd.
Where: Drop off items on the cafeteria stage.
Scholastic Book orders due Wednesday, February 1st.
Using the energy of the Super Bowl to mobilize youth in a united national effort to care for people in their local communities who are hungry and those in need.
When: January 23-February 3
How can we help: donate canned goods and nonperishable foods to HCE by Feb. 3rd.
Where: Drop off items on the cafeteria stage.
Scholastic Book orders due Wednesday, February 1st.
3- Progress Reports Go Home
3- Class and Individual Picture Day
9 - Donuts with Dads
14- Valentine's Day
17 - Noon Dismissal
20- President's Day (No School)
24- Go Texans Day
Reading: Readers will focus on finding the main idea within nonfiction texts this week.
Good readers use text evidence (supporting details or text features) to infer the main idea of a text. We will use familiar nonfiction books this week to find the main idea using text evidence.
What features within the text can help me determine main idea?
- title (main idea for whole book/selection)
- repeated words/phrases
- recurring ideasGood readers use text evidence (supporting details or text features) to infer the main idea of a text. We will use familiar nonfiction books this week to find the main idea using text evidence.
Writing: Writers will continue our persuasive/argumentation essays unit. We reviewed fact vs. opinion statements, what it means to have a point of view, and how to make a case. We will extend that work this week and focus on the big question: what is the author's argument?
Author's argument =claim + support
We will spend time reading other essays looking for the claim and support points that help make the author's argument.
Author's argument =claim + support
We will spend time reading other essays looking for the claim and support points that help make the author's argument.
White group: Students will get new words on Wednesday, February 1st and will take their test on Wednesday, February 8th.
Social Studies: We will continue our economics unit and will be focusing on budgets and how we can earn, save, and spend money. We will look at mock budgets and decide how a person or a family decides when to save and when to spend money.
Key vocabulary words:
wants vs. needs
Math: In math this week, we are moving into our next unit on fractions. We will be discovering what a fraction is. We will review previously learned vocabulary for fractions included numerator and denominator. We will work to understand the unit fractions - 1/2, 1/3, 1/8, but we will also discuss non-unit fractions where the numerator is not one.

Everyone will have written math homework Monday through Wednesday nights. Students will receive a Problem of the Week (POW) on Monday. It is due on Friday. Please work with your child to complete this. Your math conversation can be very helpful. There will also be the usual Fact Fast Friday (FFF) quiz on Friday. Please help your child work toward mastering all multiplication facts. It is a third grade expectation.
Science: In science this week, we are moving forward with our discussion of rapid changes to the Earth's surface. On Monday, your child will come home with vocabulary cards and a review sheet for rapid changes. We will have a quiz over this material on Wednesday, February 8th. The rapid changes that we will discuss in class are volcanoes, landslides, tsunamis, hurricanes, and tornadoes. We will examine each of these changes and discuss how they are constructive and destructive to Earth's surface.