Welcome to Third Grade!
We are excited for a new school year and ready for the FIRST day of school!
- If your child did not purchase school supplies, he or she will need $5.00 to purchase a planner from the front office. Third graders keep track of daily homework in planners. This will be a great organizational tool for your child to learn to use this year.
- Third graders need to go to the gym before school begins each day. They are welcome to walk to our classrooms at 7:50am.
- Children will be counted tardy if they arrive after 7:55 A.M.
- Children will be counted absent if they arrive after 9:15 A.M.
- You are welcome to escort your child to class on the first day of school, but please allow him or her to enter the room independently.
· Please send a healthy snack and a reusable water bottle daily. We have snack time each morning after specials. Due to peanut allergies across the grade level, we ask that you send peanut free snacks and lunch items this year.
· Your child’s lunch number will be the same as it was last year. We will have lunch numbers available for any child who might have forgotten. We eat lunch from 11:55-12:25 daily.
- Dismissal is at 3:00 P.M. If your child will be picked up in a car in parent pick up, you must write his or her name on a piece of large yellow paper. Please write your child’s first and last name as large as you can on the paper. This will help the teacher on duty to see and call your child’s name in a timely manner.
- It can get chilly in the classrooms. Please send a light jacket, sweater or sweat shirt in your child’s backpack so that he or she will be comfortable. Remember to write your child’s name on the tag inside so that it can be returned if lost.

Here's where we need your help this week:
- Gather pictures and materials to help your child build his or her Writer's Notebook
- Share your favorite literature (books, magazines, poetry) with your child
- Talk about your favorite moments from summer vacation (BIG and small)
- Establish home routines for nightly reading
Spelling: We will administer the Words their Way Spelling Inventory this week to collect information. This inventory helps us see what your child knows about letters and sounds and how they work together.
Social Studies: Our first unit in Social Studies is Community. This week we will get to know those in our classroom communities and create class contracts that explain how we want to work and live together this year.
Math: In math this week, we will begin setting up our math journals that we will use daily for word problems. We will discuss thing about ourselves that involve numbers: shoe sizes, address, phone numbers, age, number of family members, etc. Starting on Tuesday through the rest of the week, we will be jumping into place value. We will review standard form, word form, expanded form, and odd/even. On Thursday and Friday, we will spend time practicing how to round numbers to the nearest 100. We will review these concepts later in the first nine weeks as well. We will not have any math homework this week.

Science: During our science time this week, we will set up our interactive science journals. We will create a table of contents that will help us stay organized this year. We will brainstorm types of scientists in our world and your child will have the opportunity to put themselves in the shoes of a scientist. On Thursday and Friday, we will discuss lab safety and complete a gallery walk with science tools.