2/2: Spring Group Pictures are this Friday. These pictures are taken as homerooms. Time slots are as follows. 10:25 Rozzell/Morphey, 10:35 Badrak/Saint Val, and 10:45 Duncan/Ford.
2/6 and 2/7: HCE Book Fair located in library.
2/8 and 2/9: Noon Dismissal
Reading: Determining the main idea of a text can be tricky business! We're going to continue searching for text clues (text evidence) to infer the main idea of an entire or portion of text. Your readers will see this week that identifying the main idea from several sections of an article will lead to a strong nonfiction summary. We will conclude the week by introducing cause and effect relationships. Cause and effect is something we experience in our daily lives. We will learn tools to identify this relationship within a nonfiction text.

Writing: We will celebrate your poet's hard work this week! Our publishing celebrations are always a wonderful way to unite as a community of writers and "high five" one another on a job well done. Your children are excited to share their finished anthologies with their peers. Later in the week we will practice note taking strategies as we read through a nonfiction text and organize our thoughts/reactions and important ideas.
Social Studies: We're rounding out our study of maps this week. Students will apply what they have learned throughout the month to create their own maps. We're challenging them to include a title, compass rose, legend, map scale, and grid system.
Math: We
will continue to learn many strategies to multiply such as skip counting,
number line, area model, and an array model. We will build from easier digits
such as 5 and continue to increase the digit to 6 through 9. As it is important
to know multiplication facts, we are helping our mathematicians understand
and internalize what it truly means to multiply, where they can see it in the
real world, and how to apply it in their daily lives.
Homework: In addition to our Monday-Wednesday regular homework pages, we will begin "Problem of the Week." This assignment will be sent home every Monday and will need to be returned on Friday. This assignment is meant to be a team effort as we would like your student to solve the problem alongside you. On Friday, we will discuss the many ways your student solved the problem with the support from you all!
Science: The students will learn and understand how soil is formed and the role of decomposition. Later in the week, the students will explore plate tectonics and its relation to earthquakes and volcanoes. Soil is different in different places because of different rocks in the area and different plants and animals that live there and die and decay. Important concepts to remember:
- Constructive forces build up the Earth
- Destructive forces tear down the Earth
- Earthquake: A sudden release of energy under the
Earth’s surface that makes the ground shake or crack.
- Earthquakes build up the land (constructive) by pushing
upward forming mountains and tear down the Earth (destructive) by opening
crevices and causing land to fall or slide.
- Weathering: The process that breaks down rocks into
tiny pieces over time.
- Erosion: The carrying away of weathered