Writing- Writing workshop has been a fun and exciting way to get to know one another the last few days. We will focus this year on sharing our stories. Last week we started story sharing and taking turns listening to one another's stories. This week we will create some resources that we will use this year in Writer's Workshop when we are trying to figure out what story to write! Students will spend a few days this week creating their own heart map. Our heart maps remind us what people, things, and places we love. These will help prompt and promote storytelling and writing. Ask your student what they placed in their hearts!!

Reading- We've been talking about our reading for days! Students have been helping each other understanding the difference between real reading and fake reading. We've started to focus on our thinking while we read. We've even started to share our thinking and all this thinking about thinking is what we call metacognition.
Students have been practicing this skill with our read alouds and their independent reading books. We will continue practicing this skill this week and begin talking about what good readers can do when they get stuck on an idea in a book that doesn't make much sense.
Social Studies- We spent last week creating classroom community. Our study will more to focus on our greater communities and citizens who have served as great role models. Students will be introduced to Ruby Bridges, Helen Keller and Jane Addams. We will look at what they did to help their community in the past and how that impacts our communities today. Students will also be encouraged to start thinking about character traits that a "good citizen" would display.
Homework-Third graders will have 20 minutes of reading homework each night. We will start our library schedule this Wednesday. Students should record the book title in their planner each night to show that the required 20minutes was completed.

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