Reading- We are
moving into a new genre of study for a few weeks. We will be focusing on nonfiction. This week we will review and introduce new
nonfiction text features. Text features are things found in nonfiction texts that help the reader understand and synthesize
new information.
Writing- We are
continuing to finish up our work on narratives.
This week we are reproducing a narrative with dialogue and inner
thinking. We are also working on adding
these elements to our own narrative stories.
Work- Our spelling test is 2/3.
Application grades will be taken 2/4-2/9. New words will go home 2/10.
Studies- We continue to learn about people who have
impacted the Story of America. For the first half of our unit we have focused
on explorers. Men and women who were
brave enough to go discover new lands! We also spent an entire week on the life of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and how his story impacted our history. Students brought home a study sheet for
our first assessment on Monday. Please
use the green sheet, newspaper, journals and online resources to help your
student prepare for this test on 2/9. We will begin the second half of our study with a look into the scientist and inventors whose creations impact our daily lives and health!
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