Parent Reminders and Information:
We encourage parents and families to save the date and join the third grade team from 6-7p.m. on Wednesday, March 30th for our STAAR Night in the HCE Library. During this time, we will discuss:
We encourage parents and families to save the date and join the third grade team from 6-7p.m. on Wednesday, March 30th for our STAAR Night in the HCE Library. During this time, we will discuss:
· The purpose of the test and its results
· Level of Expectation on each test using sample questions
· Strategies being taught in the classroom
· How to support your child at home
· General Information about the test itself including:
a. Schedule: Dates/Times
b. Format of the test
c. Timeline for results
We will close the time together with a Q&A session for parents and families. We appreciate your support at home as, together, we continue to build strong mathematicians and readers.
Language Arts
Reading- This week we will continue our work on writing and revising summaries with non-fiction.
Writing- Students will put their narratives on hold as they work to publish pop up books this week on the Scientist and Inventors we have learned about in Social Studies. I love it when we can combine our reading skills, writing skills and knowledge from Social Studies to create! We will share our pop-up books at Publisher's Picnic in May.

Social Studies- I can't wait for your to read their work on these people; Jonas Salk, Maria Mitchell, Cyrus McCormick, Bill Gates, and Louis Pasteur.
Math- In math this week, we will continue studying about fractions. On Thursday, we began our units on fractions. We discussed the different parts of a fraction. On Friday, we worked with non-unit fractions. This week, we will continue practicing drawing and writing fractions.
The homework this week will be a review of addition, subtraction, and fractions. We will NOT have a problem of the week. Please note that the Fast Facts Quiz will be on Thursday.
Science- During our science time this week, we will wrap up our discussion on generating electricity. Last week, we learned the steps that are involved for us to turn on the light. The next unit we will be starting is weather. We will learn about weather tools and your child will be in charge of tracking weather during our unit. They will be assigned a different city around the United States and they will work on noticing the weather patterns.
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