OPTIONAL SPRING CONFERENCES: Thursday and Friday we will have early dismissal for spring parent teacher conference. These conferences are optional. Please note that these conferences our optional and its only the second week of the last nine weeks. But if you would like to meet with your child's teacher to discuss your child's progress, we would be more than happy to meet with you.
Here is our half day schedule for Thursday and Friday.
Thursday: Friday
7:50- 8:00 Focus Poetry 7: 50- 8:00 Focus Poetry
8:10- 9:25 Block One 8:10 - 9:00 Specials
9:25 Switch 9:00- 9:50 Block one
9:30- 10:45 Block two 9:55- 10:45 Block two
10:45- 11:15 Lunch 10: 45-11: 15 Lunch
11:15- 11: 45 Recess 11:15- 11: 45 Recess
12:00 Dismissal 12:00 Dismissal
Language Arts teachers will send home a Scholastic book order this week in Tuesday Newsday. This order will be due next Tuesday, April 11th.
Last week, we ended our week utilizing useful reading strategies. We will use what we learned about nonfiction summaries last week to compare and analyze the characteristics of fiction and nonfiction summaries this week. For instance, great nonfiction summaries include the main idea, or most important ideas, from the beginning, middle, and end of a text. Great fiction summaries, on the other hand, include CPR (C=Characters, P=Problem, R=Resolution). We will compare various summaries in order to continue practicing reading strategies across these two genres. Towards the end of the week, our readers will write a fiction summary of their own using what they know about CPR.
We have worked very hard during Writer's Workshop to craft our essays. We will use this week as an opportunity to prepare our essays for publishing week. We will enter into the process of publishing week next week in order to celebrate and share our final products. We are also going to take some time this week to prepare for National Library Week (April 9th-15th) where we thank our wonderful librarian, Mrs. Moore, for everything she does for our school! Students will either write a poem, letter, comic, or persuasive essay that pays tribute to Mrs. Moore. We are going to deliver these to her on Monday!
Students will receive new spelling words on Thursday, April 6th. They will take a test on these words on Thursday, April 13th. April 14th- April 21st, teachers will be looking for students to apply those spelling patterns correctly in their reading and writing work.
Social Studies
We will continue our study of arts and culture this week. We will learn information about arts within a community. We will reflect and respond to this material using graphic organizers.

In this perimeter unit, we will also look at problem solving for missing side length of figures. We will be working on using good strategies when trying to solve these type problems. One of these strategies will be to add up all the side lengths and then subtract from the perimeter. We studied in our geometry unit about how rectangles have opposite sides that are equal to the other. This knowledge of rectangles will help students find the missing side length when perimeter is unknown.
We will start this week with the solar system assessment. Tuesday - Friday we will explore the fourth planet from the Sun... Mars. We will look at what attributes this planet has and how it differs from other planets in our solar system. After we discuss Mars and review solar system characteristics, we will have a short quiz on Thursday. Please keep practicing with your child the order of the planets and have your child share their learning about Mars this week.
We will start this week with the solar system assessment. Tuesday - Friday we will explore the fourth planet from the Sun... Mars. We will look at what attributes this planet has and how it differs from other planets in our solar system. After we discuss Mars and review solar system characteristics, we will have a short quiz on Thursday. Please keep practicing with your child the order of the planets and have your child share their learning about Mars this week.
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