It is Red Ribbon Week! Don't Worry, Be HEALTHY! Let's all celebrate a healthy lifestyle by having some fun this week. Show your excitement each day...
- Monday - Get Fit For a BRIGHT Future - wear NEON
- Tuesday - Eat Your GREENS - wear CAMO
- Wednesday - Keep Calm and EXERCISE On - wear CRAZY SOCKS
- Thursday - Invest in REST - wear PAJAMAS
- Friday - Hair's to a HEALTHY Lifestyle - CRAZY HAIR day
- Badrak Blue Jays (blue)
- Duncan Deer (camo)
- Ford Felines (orange)
- Morphey Mountain Lions (brown)
- Rozzell Rhinos (red)
- Saint Val Sharks (purple)
Third Grade Awards Ceremony will be held on Tuesday, October 31 at 9:05 in the cafeteria.
Lights, Camera, Auction! Come party like a celebrity Saturday, November 4 at the Weston Houston Memorial City. The fun begins at 7pm. Auction Tickets
We have students with allergies so please pack nut-free snacks. Snacks should be dry and healthy to promote student learning and not create a mess.
- Saltines, graham crackers, pretzels
- Fresh or dried fruit/vegetable sticks or slices
- Cheese cubed or sliced·
- Applesauce (in the squeezable containers)
- Goldfish/Cheeze-its or Cheese Nips
Math: We continue our study of subtraction all this week. Students will use concrete and pictorial models before learning the abstract algorithm to understand subtraction across zeros. This is often confusing and we will spend enough time on each one to assure understanding.

We will compare addition and take away subtraction word problems and distinguish the way they each sound. By the end of the week, students will also know how to recognize comparative subtraction and how different it sounds from the take away type.
Take away subtraction is the type of subtraction our students have seen since first grade. Given a total number, a part is taken away leaving a part called a difference. It sounds like this: 327 birds sat on the power line. If 167 of them flew away, how many were left?
Comparing subtraction is when one is asked to find the difference between two numbers. Often the question asks "how many more" or "how much more". Also, students will look for "er" or comparative words like fewer, longer, heavier, farther. It sounds like this: A trip to Dallas is 250 miles. A trip to Austin is 166 miles. How much farther is it to Dallas than to Austin?
Please remember to study for FFF this Friday. Our goal for everyone is to master addition and subtraction and make it to multiplication by the end of December.
Science: This is our final week to study Matter. We will focus on what it takes to change from one state to another. Students know that it is all about the molecules! Adding and taking away heat energy changes the molecules and therefore the phase of matter. Students will put their knowledge to a test in what we call "The Great Ice Cube Race". Vocabulary this week will include melting, evaporation, sublimation, condensation, and solidify. A good review of basic matter information is BrainPop Jr. Our user name is sbspecial and the password is sbisdbp. The unit test on Matter is Tuesday, October 31. Vocabulary cards and a study guide went home last week.

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