11/20 -11/24 - Thanksgiving Break (No School)
12/7 - Toys for Tots Please send a new and unwrapped gift to donate. Children will get a chance to drop their toy with local firefighters and Santa Claus.
12/15 - Noon Dismissal for Winter Break
Reading: CHARACTER TRAITS and CHARACTER FEELINGS will be our big work in reading this week. We will focus on reading carefully and thinking about what a character does, says and thinks to determine how they feel AND what kind of person they are. This big thinking is called an inference.
In class, students have worked wordless books to focus on character actions. Wordless books are a great way to practice inferring character traits and feelings as the reader have to look closely and read the body language and actions of the characters to draw a conclusion.
Homework: We looked at this video clip and talked about what the words...
EVERY SINGLE DAY, NO MATTER WHAT would mean for our reading lives. Volume matters. Please make sure that reading happens at home, every single day- not matter what.
Writing: Descriptive details will be one element of craft we will focus on this week. We will look at how authors use simile, metaphor and beautiful adjectives to describe in great detail the parts of their story that they want a reader to experience. Then, we will look at how an author might use a comeback line or repetition to drive home an idea in a story. Friday, we shared America's White Table to talk about Veteran's Day. We will revisit this text as one of mentor texts next week. We are thankful to the Veteran's and families who joined us in celebrating and honoring those who have served our country. They are inspiration to our learning and our writing.
Social Studies: We will wrap up our work on community and citizenship with lessons on DIGITAL CITIZENSHIP. Students will complete these lesson on itsLearning (the districts digital curriculum platform).The lessons focus on the important BEs of being online..
be kind... be safe... be yourself.
Spelling: Spelling tests are staggered this year. If you haven't yet, you will soon receive an email from your child's spelling teacher letting you know about your child's spelling sort and test date.
Math: This week in math we will learn about graphs. We will study and understand the difference between a bar graph, double bar graph, pictograph, dot plot, frequency table, and tally chart. We will work to pull information from the graphs and draw conclusions based on the data. Each day, we will create one or more of these graphs to practice. Below, are pictures of each type of graph we will learn this week:
Bar Graph Double Bar Graph
Dot Plot

Frequency Table and Tally Chart

For homework this week, we will have a worksheet come home on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday night. We will have our usual fast facts on Friday.
Science: In science this week, we will continue discussing potential and kinetic energy. We have been discussing mechanical energy using real world examples. During the later part of the week we will get into thermal energy. The important information that we will learn about Thermal (Heat) Energy are the sources of heat, insulators, and conductors. An insulator is a material that does not allow heat to pass along it easily. A conductor is a material that allows heat to pass along it easily. We will discuss examples of each.
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