19th: Monday is a student holiday in honor of President's Day. We'll see you tomorrow!
23rd: GO TEXAN DAY! Wear your best Cowboy/Cowgirl/Cowperson clothes!
26th: 3rd Math Practice STAAR
27th: 3rd Reading Practice STAAR
28th: Field Trip Museum Natural Science. Please have your child bring a sack lunch to eat while on the field trip.
Reading: We will continue to work through narrative nonfiction texts and comprehension strategies during our Reader's Workshop mini lessons. Your readers will use text evidence to make inferences about the subject(s) of the true stories we read. We will also spend some time this week reviewing strategies your readers can use while answering a multiple choice question.

Writing: Students will continue to write expository pieces. We've worked with graphic organizers to brainstorm supporting details that support our main ideas. This week, we will focus on the structure of an expository essay. We will model how to transfer important information from a graphic organizer into paragraphs within their essay.
Social Studies: We're looking forward to this week's activity in social studies! We will be using a paper-based grid map to play Battleship. Students will play one another to practice navigating grid maps. We will then journal about our experience and strategy of using a grid map to play the game.
Math: We will continue to dive deeper into Division word problems while introducing them to the various strategies that will build their confidence in solving those problems. We will discuss what Division means, review new vocabulary words (multiples, dividend, divisor, and quotient), and discuss when they divide in their life. Knowing their fact families can them solve problems! Please have your students study their multiplication facts. We like to have students skip count for fun (multiples of 6: 6, 12, 18)!
Homework: The Problem of the Week will be sent home on Monday. Please have your child bring it to school on Friday. Homework #1-3 will be sent home Monday-Wednesday. Please have your child be on DreamBox for at least 20 minutes a day at home.
Science: We will begin our Solar Sytem unit this week! This includes exploring main characteristics of the sun as a source of energy and physical characteristics of the Sun. Later in the week, we will explore the main characteristics of the moon and how it compares to Earth. We are so excited about this unit and your scientist will too!
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