- Lunch with Heroes is on Friday, September 9th. Wear red, white, and blue to celebrate eating lunch with our heroic community members! We invite all heroes to Friday's lunch - military, police, fire department and more! Have a connection with one of these heroes? Be sure to bring them to HCE to eat lunch with our third graders from 12:00-12:30.
- Curriculum Night is September 15th. Third grade time slot is from 6:35-7:15. This is following the PTA meeting from 5:50-6:30.
- BEFORE Curriculum Night, please take 10 minutes and watch our third grade video (Will be linked and sent out shortly!). Information in this video will help you know about the content we will cover this year with your child. Our meeting on the 15th of September will include: a short and fun quiz on the content in the video, classroom expectations, classroom management, communication, and homework. We know you are busy and have worked hard to create this video and streamline our presentation in person to get you the best information in the most concise fashion.
Reading - We will learn how to preview a text this week in Reader's Workshop. It is important for young readers, when learning how to pick a good book to read, to know the process of previewing a book. This will help them determine if the book fits their purpose, interest, and ability. Students have been sticky note crazy! We've introduced your child to tracking their thinking while reading using sticky notes and symbols. They have enjoyed this new found way to leave their thinking in their books. This week we will help them learn how to use their notes to create reader's response journal entries in their Reader's Notebooks. Your child's language arts teacher will continue to administer DRA assessments.
Writing- We will begin our week continuing to brainstorm ideas for writing stories from our interests, memories, and experiences. We look forward to hearing more stories from our students while utilizing focused storytelling with one another. We will transfer brainstorming and storytelling into our notebook as we reflect on the question "What do writer's do?" We will wrap up the week with students creating writing goals for this 9 week period.
Word Work- This week we will introduce students to a variety of ways that we will attack word work in our classrooms. They will have a GENERIC list of spelling words. We WILL NOT be taking a REAL test with these words. Our words will stay in the classroom and be used to help us understand and practice some components of word study.
Social Studies- Wow! What wonderful classroom communities we have built the last two weeks! We are excited to use our social studies resource this week, Studies Weekly Newspaper. We will read week 1 of our newspaper and discover how thoughtful citizens of our world have made lasting contributions to our society.
Math: This week in math, we will be working place value. We will be looking at placing number on number lines as a strategy of comparing numbers. We are then veturing into studying five digit and six digit numbers. When looking at five digit and six digit numbers we will look at the different forms to represent the number through word form, expanded, standard form, and with number lines.
Also we use place value to compare numbers. We discussed last week about starting with the largest place value when comparing two or more numbers.
Some vocabulary we are working on is place, value, greater than, less than, compare, ten- thousands place, hundred thousands place.

Also we use place value to compare numbers. We discussed last week about starting with the largest place value when comparing two or more numbers.
Some vocabulary we are working on is place, value, greater than, less than, compare, ten- thousands place, hundred thousands place.

Science: In science this week, we will be exploring our observation skills as part are work in the scientific method that will get us prepared for conducting experiments. We will discuss and apply observation skills with our senses and how that will be used as data for experiments. At the end of the week, we will have our first science experiment and go through the scientific method.
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