Sunday, September 25, 2016

Week 6: September 26th - September 30th


Please do not forget to sign up for Parent/Teacher Conferences.  Use the links below to secure your spot.  We can't wait to celebrate the successes of your child and discuss their goals moving forward.




Reading:  We will continue our character study this week.  We will specifically look into how our character's actions and dialogue can be clues to help us infer traits/feelings.  We will use wordless books filled with action-based clues as well as dialogue-rich texts to expand our thinking.  Towards the end of the week, we will focus on how characters change throughout the plot of a text.  We will track character feelings/traits throughout the beginning, middle, and end of a story. In doing so, we will use text evidence (e.g. actions, dialogue) to describe their changes and understand how these traits/feelings add to the overall plot of the story. For instance, what event in the story triggered a character to behave a certain way? What did this lead to, etc?  We will continue building our bank of character traits/feelings.  Your child will continue to be exposed to synonyms for common traits/feelings such as sad, mad, happy and mean.  Their bank of traits/feelings will continue growing at a rapid rate this week!  Encourage your child to provide you with various words to describe a common trait/feeling at home.  
Writing:  We will continue reading narrative texts this week and mapping story elements on a narrative arc.  Our added focus this week will be mastering a concise retell of a story.  Our students are doing a wonderful job retelling the stories they read.  At times, their retelling tends to be rather lengthy.  Our goal moving forward in our CCP unit is for your child to retell a story in a brief but comprehensive manner.  We want them to be concise while including the most important events of the plot.  This takes practice!  We will practice concise retell in a variety of ways in the classroom:  whole group, small group, and in partners.        

Word Work:  Our first spelling test will be this Wednesday, 9/28.  Now that your child understands the spelling pattern and rule for their list, we will begin working off of our Application Spelling Menu on Thursday.  This will extend their understanding of the spelling rule as they apply it in their reading and writing. An application grade will be taken on Wednesday, 10/5.  Your child was sent home with optional spelling homework (blue sheet in green binder) last week. This menu of homework options will remain in their green binder for the year.   

Social Studies:  We will be studying the founding fathers of our country this week.  We will learn information about the lives of John Jay, Benjamin Franklin, Alexander Hamilton, and Thomas Jefferson.  We will utilize our Studies Weekly Newspapers as well as an online resource, Pebble Go, to learn facts about these men and their important role in our country's history.   

Math: We will be taking our knowledge from our place value unit and applying it with addition strategies. To start off the week, we will look at adding without regrouping with three and four digit numbers. Then we will add regrouping to our addition study with three and four digit numbers. When regrouping, it is important to remember our place value.  Some strategies we will be working with are: using manipulatives, place value chart, decomposing numbers, bar models, and place value blocks.

Keep practicing those addition and subtraction math facts every night. 

Science: We finished last week by exploring different ways we classify matter. This week we will reflect on our lab, and draw conclusions on how we classify matter. Students will then explore further the three phases of matter as solid, liquid, and gas. When looking at the different phases of matter, we will determine characteristics of each phase. Some vocabulary we will be working on: magnetic, solid, liquid, gas, matter, classify, physical properties, characteristics

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