- Each third grader will receive a personal dictionary this Wednesday! We will spend time in language arts class this week learning how to utilize their dictionaries.
- First PTA meeting is also on Thursday September 15 from 5:50- 6:30.
- Curriculum Night is September 15th. Third grade time slot is from 6:35-7:15. This is following the PTA meeting from 5:50-6:30.
- BEFORE Curriculum Night, please take 10 minutes and watch our third grade video Curriculum Night Video. Information in this video will help you know about the content we will cover this year with your child. Our meeting on the 15th of September will include: a short and fun quiz on the content in the video, classroom expectations, classroom management, communication, and homework. We know you are busy and have worked hard to create this video and streamline our presentation in person to get you the best information in the most concise fashion.
Reading: This week we will learn how to make connections while we read. It is important for students to use their prior knowledge and life experiences to connect with a variety of different texts. Connections fall into three categories: text-to-self, text-to-text, and text-to-world. We will work this week to create these connections. We will read, and then work together to think...
What about this story reminds me of something I have done?
...something I have experienced?
...someone I know?
These connections draw us closer to the text while building comprehension.
Writing: We will begin our immersion of our Personal Narrative/Stories from My Life writing unit. To begin our immersion, we will review the story arc elements by reading a familiar text, Amazing Grace. We will spend the week building off prior knowledge of narrative texts by identifying the following elements of a narrative text: setting the stage, initiating event, rising action, climax, falling action, and resolution. Knowing these terms will allow us to add these elements into our own narrative writing later in the unit.
Word Work: We will continue to practice ways we will attack word work this year. We will be modeling and utilizing activities from our spelling menus. We will use generic lists again this week to practice, so there will be no formal test.
Social Studies: We are learning about landforms this week! Our state is very diverse in its land features, and our week #2 Studies Weekly Newspaper will focus on identifying and explaining these features in depth. At the end of our week, we will create a postcard highlighting a Texas landform and its specific features.
Math: This week in math we will be finishing up on our place value unit. We have expanded are number study to five and six digit numbers. As some extra practice at home have your child create five and six digit numbers and then represent them in the three forms: standard, word and expanded form. Also this week, we will introduce expanded notation.

Some vocabulary to discuss and work on with your child is digit, place, value, standard form, word form, expanded form.
Science: This week we will be studying the scientific method. We will go through the different parts and understanding what scientist do when conducting an experiment. We've worked our observation skills and next we will work on making predictions and hypothesis when answering scientific questions. At the end of the week, we will go through all the steps in the Scientific method as we conduct our first experiment.
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