Please take a moment and sign up for your Fall Parent/Teacher Conference. Conferences will be held from October 19th-21st. You will meet with both of your child's teachers to discuss academic celebrations and goals. Please only sign up for one time slot. Each teaching pair has their own SignUpGenius, so please click the link for your child's teachers.
Rozzell and Scott's Conference Sign up
Badrak and Jackson's conference sign up
Duncan and Ford's Conference sign up
Progress reports will go home on September 23rd.
Reading: In reading, we will be diving into the world of character development. Good readers notice how characters grow and change throughout the plot of a text. We will begin the week by brainstorming how we can describe how our characters act and feel. We describe characters using character traits and character feelings. Character traits tell us who a character is (e.g. confident, thoughtful, brave, bossy) and character feelings are a character's emotional response to actions around them (e.g. shocked, jealous, anxious, excited). By the end of the week, students will be creating character maps in their Reader's Notebooks describing their characters using evidence from stories they read. When your child is reading at home, consider asking them to describe their character's traits or feelings using text evidence (The character ___ can be described as ___ because ___. I can describe my character as ___ because ___.).
Writing: Your writer will be mapping narrative texts this week in writing. We will use both familiar and new narrative stories to model and think through the elements of a narrative story arc. Identifying and explaining the importance of these elements (e.g. setting the stage, initiating event, rising action, climax, falling action, and resolution) will provide a strong foundation of what good writers include in the stories they share. Our hope in laying this foundation is that your writer will eventually include these elements in their personal stories they choose to write about.
Word Work: Your child will receive their first word work list on Wednesday, September 21st. Your child will be provided with a word work list that matches their developmental understanding of how words and spelling patterns work. These results are based off an Elementary Spelling Inventory we administered. Your child will receive a new list every two weeks.
We will spend time in class each day practicing our words. We will always spend the first five days learning and practicing the list pattern. On the following Wednesday, September 28th for this list, we will take a spelling test. We will be sending an additional list home in your child's green binder along with optional spelling homework activities. Spelling homework is encouraged, but not required in third grade!
Social Studies: It is "Celebrate Freedom Week" in social studies this week! We will be exploring, reciting, and comprehending the Constitution and Bill of Rights in a kid-friendly way. Students will learn the importance of these founding documents and how they shaped our freedoms of today.
In addition, we will learn about HCE's Leadership Council. Students will have a chance to notice and nominate classmates whom demonstrate the COUGAR CODE. We will total those nomination and then elect a representative for each homeroom class.
Math: We will start of the week looking at number patterns and patterns using a number line. This will have involve looking at numerical numbers and determining a pattern from counting, or using addition or subtraction. A good way to practice would be to create number patterns at home. We will focus more on whole number patterns and not on geometric patterns.

Some vocabulary to discuss is: rule, increasing, and decreasing. Please continue working with your child on writing 5 and 6 digit numbers in the different forms. We worked on expanded notation this week, and extra practice at home would be a good review.

Last Friday, students were introduced to their THINK THROUGH MATH computer program. Your child will now have his or her login information in their green binder. This is a great website to do some math review at home. Please take some time next week to login and go through a lesson. We will also use this program in class.
Think Through Math
This week, we will finish discussing our first experiment of the dancing raisins and review the scientific method. In our second lab, your child will be exploring different properties of matter, which includes density, temperature, states of matter, measurement, and texture.
Some vocabulary the students will be working on are: magnetic, gas, liquid, solid, density, repel, attract, physical properties, and matter.
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